Public sector, Cities, Local Authorities

Integrating the digital revolution within the public sphere

Producing sustainable changes together

State agencies, public service operators and institutions

Make the most of digital levers to implement reforms and boost the service offer.

Cities and local authorities

Envision, support, and transform the life of tomorrow’s citizens.

Partners in the Defense ecosystem

Place Defense Innovation at the service of commitments. Ensure resiliency, efficiency and power.

OPCO and organizing professional training

Reinvent pathways, innovate and fully embrace data intelligence

Public funding and Calls for Projects

Secure the public financing plan for a strategic project

Organizational transformation

Find the best way to respond to the changes imposed by the environment, the regulatory framework and rapidly evolving needs

Process optimization and redesign

Identify pain points. Suggest improvements to optimize resources and increase the level of satisfaction.

Customer 360° and CRM

Reinvent your customer experience with the right CRM solution.

Our customer cases

Project Management Support for new website creation

Project management support for the implementation of a new website for a public water manager

Case study - Development of the Rungis Academy

Magellan Consulting supported the Rungis Academy in its search for public funding and professional training to make the multi-partnership model economically and operationally viable, and to structure the planning of facilities and the range of training courses

Business process maturity analysis

Maturity analysis of functional processes in order to determine the processes to be developed or created over the next 3 years

Meet our experts



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